Monday, August 18, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Easton learning how to walk
Sam had the brilliant idea of having E walk while holding onto this block that slides along the carpet. Easton has gotten pretty good at it and can go pretty fast. We started doing this about a month ago.
Posted by Sam, Kim and E-Z 3 comments
If you want a quick laugh on Sam's expense-Read on!
The other day Sam was diligently cleaning and organizing the balcony while Easton was sleeping. I had a doctors appt and went to say goodbye and to give him the baby monitor. By habit I shut the balcony door and locked it leaving Sam locked out of the house! He had no cell phone and no way in! He couldn't get either of the sliding glass doors open (I'm feeling good about that actually) and so what to do? Luckily, one of the grounds workers was close by and Sam had to give him a holler, "Hey can you help me?!" The guy threw him his cell phone and Sam called San Lagos who had to come to our apartment and unlock our house door and then the balcony door for Sam who was in his garment top and basketball shorts. I received a call shortly after saying I was "In trouble!" Ha Ha. Poor Sammy! Pretty funny though huh!
Posted by Sam, Kim and E-Z 6 comments
9 Month Checkup
I just took Easton to his 9 month appointment. Weighing in at 21 lbs 7 oz (62%), Height 29 1/4" (75%), and Head 45.5 cm (75%). He's a bruiser! The doctor said he will be getting into everything in the next few months if he isn't already, saying he looks like he has that "Wild Streak" in him. Oh boy, here we go!I love pulling things out of the fridge!
I'm as big as the water cooler! (Well, on my tippy toes)
Huh?...I didn't eat anything.
Posted by Sam, Kim and E-Z 1 comments
Big smile!
Riding the Rhino
The funny face Easton makes when he's chewing. I love it!
Easton loves the grass! He pulls it out and of course tries to eat it and the leaves unless he's got his binki in.
Posted by Sam, Kim and E-Z 3 comments
How does he sleep like this?
On more than one occasion.
Two little bottom teef
And two big, very far apart top teefers (and two more on each side coming in)
Posted by Sam, Kim and E-Z 0 comments
Botanical Gardens
It's hot!!! One can never have enough water in these parts, huh Easton?!
This is a really late post but when my parents came into town in June we went to the Botanical Gardens for their Jazz Concert Under the Stars. It was really fun! I definitely want to do it again next year, except this time maybe we'll do it in April to avoid the heat. Here is one of the many giant cactus.
They had lights on the trees, good Jazz music and yummy food.
For Father's Day I got my dad some Grandfather children books to read to Easton. I think my dad got a little choked up at the message of the book with Easton on his lap. It is so cute to see him with E.
Posted by Sam, Kim and E-Z 1 comments