Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our rootin' tootin' cowboy

Sam saw this horsey at the store and we could not leave without it! We did put Easton in it and he was bouncing and seemed to enjoy it but definitely Sam loved it more. Thank goodness it was on sale :) It is actually really cute. It makes sounds of galloping, a cowboy saying "Yawhoo", and it plays cute cowboy songs. Easton bounces away and looks adorable in it. He's our little cowboy. he likes it most of the time. (P.s. His expression may have something to do with the fact that we were so excited after we put the thing together that we woke Easton up late at night. Not recommended for children under 6 months old.)


Kirsten said...

ohhhh goodness...I love that double chin in the last picture. Where in the world did you find that giddy up?

Criscell said...

SUPER cute, Kim! I've never seen one like it! Oh, and if I don't see you on Monday, I hope you have a very happy Birthday!

JanaB said...

Ha ha ha that is so sweet. . what will I do when I am a mother. . I know I will wake the kids up for Christmas morning. . I am still the first one up.

Rachelle & Matt said...

Hey Kim! Have a very happy Birthday!!!! 29 isn't so bad its next year that is going to hard. Have a fabulous day!

Amanda the Couch said...

that horse is AWESOME i love that you had to wake him up to play in it.

i love easton's little lips how they pucker. he's just too cute!

Jodi Nelson said...

that last pic is too good. the things mommy and daddy put babies through ;)