Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My brother Chris has a nice camera so instead of paying a professional to take Easton and Gracyn's pictures for grandma and grandpa we decided to have him take them. Here are a few.

The hairdo profile. The kid has ALOT of hair!

There was a blizzard behind us if you can't tell. It was gorgeous!

E loved this chair. He would sit in it everyday and watch Baby Einstein as happy as a clam.
Easton would pull himself up on this and shake his booty and dance. He was putting on a show.
Gracyn loves to kick back. I love this girl!


Mike and Mackenzie Day said...

Kim - so happy you updated, I've been wondering what you've been up to. I think I've told you this many times before, but I honestly think Easton is one of the cutest kids I've ever seen. I am constantly showing people his photos, he's amazing! Glad to see you guys are doing well...

MJJarman said...

Easton is so Gorgeous! I love his eyes and his hair. I LOVE your hair dark, so pretty. How is Arizona? I bet the weather is a lot better than here in cold rainy Oregon!